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Jun 23, 2011

LACMA the Tim Burton exhibit!

This past Saturday, I visited LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) to check out the Tim Burton exhibit, if you're a fan of Tim Burton and you live in or close to LA you CAN NOT pass this opportunity. It will only be available until the end of October of this year! So you have to go see it. I had been waiting for a long time to see it. I first heard about it, when it was in New York. I read somewhere, can't remember where, that the exhibit would be coming to LA in 2011, and I was super excited I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton.

So, since I don't drive (still learning, but honestly Im scared to drive) I had to go on the bus. I live about 30 minutes from Downtown LA. But it took me 2 hours by bus. Me and my friend got there at 3pm, unfortunately we got tickets to the 5pm showing, there were a lot of people waiting to see the exhibit. So we wondered around and took some pictures at the Sculpture Garden.

After a while we just sat around, waiting. At one time I saw some guy getting off a car with two kids, a girl and a boy, and some other ladies. I didn't think much of it I remember I though "aw, what a cute little girl" but after a few minutes my friend said "I think that's Travis Barker" I said "really?! how do you know?" and he said well I'm not sure but, there are some people pointing at him" so I looked and sure enough there were some girls pointing at him and giggling, pretty soon people started to approach him and posing for pictures with him. I don't know much about him, my friend told me he was in the band Blink 182, I've never heard any of their songs, so I felt silly going up to him and asking for a picture, I though about it but said no. However I was too excited to have ran into my first celebrity in LA even though I've lived here half of my life and never even seen one. So I took some pictures of him from afar, lol.

After that, me and my friend were thinking "what if we see more  celebrities" hahaha that didn't happen though. 
Finally it was 5 o'clock and time to get in line to see the exhibit. The line was very long, we had to stay in line for almost 40 minutes, it was VERY tiring. But at last, we got in! I was extremely excited, you can look up, "LACMA tim burton exhibit" on google and it will show you the entrance and the black light room but nothing more, because there were no pictures allowed :( However I managed to take some anyway, some very blurry but still. At the exhibit we saw some of Tim's high school and college projects including drawings, ads and even stop motion animation projects. You could not believe how amazing it was to stand only inches away from Tim's sketches for Edward Scissorhands. That is one of my favorite movies, I was beyond myself. I was overjoyed looking at all his work! It is amazing to me to see all the detail he puts into his drawings, I was in awe. I could have spent hours and hours just looking at hi work, I think we only stayed for two. I have always loved drawing, I've never been good at it, but I really enjoy it. I actually wanted to take art class in high school but opted for French class instead. I still draw occasionally, but Im way too lazy to really focus on it and try to improve it. Anyway, it was REALLY crowded inside, I mean people were packed in there like sardines, there were only a few inches left to move. We actually had to wait at least 10 minutes until people started moving away from the displays, to be able to walk to them and see them. I hope that made sense, Ofcourse by the end of the day it started to get less crowded and that is when I was able to take some pictures, without the security guards noticing. There were also some of the actual props used in Tim's movies like the suit Johnny Depp wore on Edward Scissorhands, puppets from the Nightmare Before Christmas, the catwoman suit, the bat man masks, the batman, penguin man stroller and other things.

I hope to go again, maybe on Halloween.


  1. hi! i would like to have more blogger friends! i always follow back = )

    also there's a giveaway open! = )

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  2. That's awesome, Tim Burton is the best! Great pictures by the way :)

    Please comment/follow my blog
    & I'll definitely return the favor :)

  3. ooh how long is the exhibit open for?

  4. wow so cool!!!

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  5. @tightsandtea until October 31 of this year :)

  6. haha that's so fitting for tim burton

  7. This is amazing!! I love tim burton! :]

  8. Oh, Burton, Burton <3
    Nice post, it was interesting to read!


  9. I find Tim Burton a genious but I'm not a big fan of his kind of cinema, still that exhibition looks like something I would love to check!

    It looks like you had a great time :)

  10. Fantástico post!!! I like Tim Burton
    Maybe we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela

  11. oh i am so jealous, i am a HUGE tim burton fan, but am waaay over in the uk :'( xx

  12. oh u r so lucky to be there!i adore tim burton's movies and character.he's one of the most talented directors in hollywood :)
    great post!u have such a lovely blog!i am following you,hope u'll follow me back :)

  13. Man, I live like minutes away from LACMA. I must go! Thanks for sharing.

  14. I forgot to mention about my giveaway :)

    Please check out my cute Forever21 tools & accessories giveaway! -- It's my first one :)

  15. seems creepy but also fun :), im following you now


  16. Oh my, I love Tim Burton! I love all his movies,you have a great blog! please check out my blog and follow if you like, I promise to do the same for you! xx

  17. Hi!! I really love your blog and your style! I follow you :D !!
    ... maybe if you want, you could visit my blog too ( I hope you like it ;) )
    Kisses from México city!

  18. Just want to say thank you for your comment! until your next post dear! xx Joice

  19. Oh wow that is so freakin kool!!!!! Wish I could go.

  20. oh i would love to visit there!!! So cool!
    want to follow each other? If so, just leave a comment on my blog ;)

  21. I Loovvvee Tim Burton!

    please follow mee and comment!

